PL50s are great at aliexpress prices (~£25), if you can wait a couple of weeks for them. They're still my go-to headphones, as they're tiny, comfortable and sound great. Having bought a couple of other pairs of in-ear headphones recently I've realised that they are a little light on sub-bass, but detail and clarity are second to none.
A good pair I bought recently are fake Audio-Technica CKR9LTD from Aliexpress. They were about £35 but sound great. I didn't really go in for or understand all that audiophile soundstage talk, but these are great. Real clarity of every aspect of the music, I definitely notice new stuff when I listen compared to other headphones. I'll see if I can dig out a link. They're the bright red ones with push-pull drivers.
Edit: The CKR9LTDs are massive and shiny and red though, and not over-ear. So I don't really like wearing them in public.
Cool, will have a read.
Other thing caught my eye was the Soundmagic PL50 - seem like pretty good bang for the buck.