Most places here have copper to the house. It's only recently that, eg., Infinity gives people an option to have fibre to the home. My old flat in Melbourne doesn't have cable because the majority of people in the block didn't want it.
Australia pioneered large scale optic fibre roll outs between exchanges and between cities.
But then you have backward new governments reneging on their promise of the NBN...
Same shit went down here thanks to Thatcher: http://www.techradar.com/news/world-of-tech/how-the-uk-lost-the-broadband-race-in-1990-1224784
Internet gets plumbed in on Friday, new place is practically over the road from the exchange... Fingers crossed...
Copper wire tho'... WTF?!? Fibreoptic on the way early next year... Unbelievable...