• This could have been an AQA but as this is a car thread.....
    Here's a scenario I was posed this morning: A chap gets new tyres on his car at a tyre fitters in the morning but by the evening a wheel comes off whilst negotiating a roundabout. No injuries, no third party damage as far as I know but car recovered so there must be some damage to it.
    My brother-in-law runs the fitters (his family's business). He wants to pay for any repairs etc. as it will be less than any excess they have but has anyone knowledge of a similar event and it consequences (or can wildly speculate)?
    I have suggested one or more of the following:

    1. HSE inquiry.
    2. Local Authority claim if road or roadside furniture was damaged.
    3. The car driver's insurance make a claim.
    4. Gentlemen's agreement.
    5. (I doubt) the police would get involved.
      Thank you.
  • Similar damage to a car depends on how the car was loaded.

    One that I know of, a low sports car had bumper damage, brake disc, bottom wish bone and suspect strut damage. The car was pretty new but had both discs replaced and pads, as you replace in pairs, bottom wish bone, one strut casing and both shock inserts, hub was replaced as there was damage to the threads. Car afterwards had a caster/camber check to make sure all was inline.
