Yes, I think some police experts base their opinions of forged banknotes by comparison with examples of known-genuine currency -it's a recognised technique. Rossin never made poorly executed and Welded fork attachments period.
It is important, in my opinion, that rare and interesting bikes and parts are not adulterated. Alright any owner has the right to cut his Cinelli Laser in half if he wants to but altering items and passing-off as original (if such is the case) will do nothing to enrich the World of bicycle collecting.
I know Rossin produced various styles of fork mounts for bars but none I have seen is a welded tube construction with 2 bolts and poorly executed at that.
But to each his own.
I basically agree with you. That said, did you see the image that @Breso posted? Yes, it looks like a Max fork and there is clearly brazing but it's not hard to imagine the two coming from the same workshop.
I've re-read the thread and am pretty sure I haven't. It looks like you're just trying to tell someone that they have countfeit or unauthentically modified products based on nothing but some other Rossin forks you've seen previously?