Is anyone here really that hard up? I have more money than I used to, having got better at my job and found more work, but spend alot of time still wishing I had more. It's human nature to want to continually improve one's lot. Many of the super rich, like Mark Zuckerberg etc, are self-made. I would hate to have Zuckerberg's life, or career. If money was really my sole aim in life I'd probably have made more. I try to remind myself of that when I have useless feelings of envy.
Is anyone here really that hard up? I have more money than I used to, having got better at my job and found more work, but spend alot of time still wishing I had more. It's human nature to want to continually improve one's lot. Many of the super rich, like Mark Zuckerberg etc, are self-made. I would hate to have Zuckerberg's life, or career. If money was really my sole aim in life I'd probably have made more. I try to remind myself of that when I have useless feelings of envy.