Yup, agree wholeheartedly with this sentiment.
I work a job which I mostly quite like, and which as a freelancer allows me to work far less than most of my friends. I've got friends who earn far more than I do, but they work 50-60 hour weeks, every week, and often have marital disagreements due to having to bring home work at the weekend. Or they have exciting drink and drug habits to release the pressure valve.
If I've one complaint, it's that my job ties me to London. In order to persue the dream of living in the countryside/mountains, I need to find an entirely new way to make monies.
Is anyone here really that hard up? I have more money than I used to, having got better at my job and found more work, but spend alot of time still wishing I had more. It's human nature to want to continually improve one's lot. Many of the super rich, like Mark Zuckerberg etc, are self-made. I would hate to have Zuckerberg's life, or career. If money was really my sole aim in life I'd probably have made more. I try to remind myself of that when I have useless feelings of envy.