• #10352
I generally start riding in superprimary when someone starts wheelsucking. Usually works.
• #10353
If it's true that E and C was clear at eight twenty this morning, then it is amazing.
Chapeau to TFL.
• #10354
Drop everyone. It's not a race, but I like to win.
• #10355
I sat on a nightbus in standstill traffic for almost an hour at 2am trying to get through the backstreets of borough and past E&C on my way back to morden on saturday. luckily I was very drunk and watching a live streaming of an nba game on my phone so i kind of didn't pay much attention to the fact every 5 minutes i looked up and the bus had moved 2 cars along.
• #10356
It was flattering at first. I mean, who doesn't like the attention? Maybe I was foolish for thinking it would lead somewhere...
• #10357
That's when they dive in and undertake ...
• #10358
Drop everyone
If only t'were so easy
• #10359
Not if you accelerate when you go primary!
• #10360
A ped lady told me that a man who just RLJ'd was naughty, and that I was good for waiting, so at the next lights I told him that he upset a lady and he said, "Life's a bitch."
10/10 would hear someone described as naughty again.
• #10361
Stopped at some lights on my way to work this morning, spotted something glinting in the road amidst the dark and gloom.. a two pound coin and a fifty pee coin!
Paid for a treat breakfast, sometimes Mondays aren't so bad.
• #10362
I don't really get this negativity towards drafting. It's a cyclists reach around. Embrace it.
Had a guy in casuals, riding a shopper, pull in front of us when we were finishing off a Z2 session. Pulled in front of us at the 30 +kph we riding for a while. Rode his 3 speed shopper like a mad man for 3mins. Then pulled off shattered. Mentalist. Put a massive smile on my face though.
If I overtake folk on my way home along the windy coast. I tend to sit in front of them. Bit of a good deed like.
The last week my tiny commute has involved snow, ice, rain, sleet, gale force winds, and an earthquake. I need to take positivity where I can....
• #10363
A ped lady told me that a man who just RLJ'd was naughty, and that I was good for waiting, so at the next lights I told him that he upset a lady...
Did you get Victorian on his ass? "How dare you upset a lady! You sir, are a bounder and a cad!"
• #10364
Hope to passed that two fiddy to La Policia bruv.
• #10365
Fuck da police.
• #10366
Drafters make me nervous as some don't know that they're doing. Other than that, I'm happy to tow people no use for all to take massive headwind.
Cold&a sore throat, which got worse in the cold air. Also, runny nose...bleh.
But spotted a massive heron having his brekkie in the river Lagan so all good.
The chain of some poor sod came off when I realized that maybe I could help him (I've wheel nut spanners too, not just a multitool) he was out of shouting range :/
• #10367
I guess it depends on the drafter. Some are decent and know what they are doing but some are just awful. I've had one ride into my back wheel when I eased off to slow down for stationary traffic before, and one smash right into me slowing down for peds on a zebar crossing. Both times I didn't even touch the brakes.
Still that's two very bad exceptions, most are cool although few ever thank me for the tow (I always thank them and return the favour when I'm drafting) but that's probably because they can't talk due to the massive effort they need to put in to get near me... coughs
• #10368
In less than 5 minutes I came across
- blinky red light in the front of a bike
- three vans which were stopped in red lights suddenly just decided to start driving and it wasn't nearly their turn
- four un-indicated lane changes/turns
- blinky red light in the front of a bike
• #10369
Fiiiiiiiiiiiive Gooooooooooooold Looooooooockrings!
• #10370
• #10371
Forced to cross the river, then train at Euston was delayed by 30mins. Now looking forward to a lovely 2 hour stand with the bike all the way to Coventry.
Get to cycle in some new lanes this evening though, so always room for optimism
• #10372
The clueless tend to use the pavement up here. So I don't interact with them so much.
The only time it's been an issue is when some cheating bastard followed my attack, at the top of a long climb, during a race. A fucking non drafting triathlon. WTF.
• #10373
How can you attack if it's a non drafting triathlon?
• #10374
Poor use of words.
I fucked the swim. Then managed to catch the front bunch of guys near the top of the climb. Figured I'd empty myself on the short plateau at the top, and get running in front of them. As I didn't expect much opertunity to pass folk on the 35% mountain scramble, on a narrow trail.
Which is why I was so angry. I take a massive risk, knowing I'd be fucked for the brutal run. Only to have some bastard draft me. If he'd left T2 before me, I swear I'd have tripped him up.
• #10375
Anyone know what happened this morning at the junction of Kennington Road and Lambeth Road?
Biiiiiiiiiig police cordon.
Passive aggressive drafting FTW!
I'll give anyone a tow no bother (thought why you'd would want one off my slow arse is anyone's guess), but if you cut in front of me I expect you to return the favour.