Good thread. Stuff is rubbish. Especially the stuff my family gives me at Christmas. Being into guitars is almost as bad as being a cyclist for attracting shit presents. Last year my christmas present from my mum was a small carved wooden bowl about the size a teacup (no, me neither) and a cheap wallet with colourful electric guitars stitched on it. *despair
Try being a bassist whose Mum doesn't really understand the difference between a bass and a guitar. Lots of guitar socks, guitar T-shirts and so forth. Made things a bit easier once I started playing upright as well, but just ask for cash or specific bike stuff these days.
Good thread. Stuff is rubbish. Especially the stuff my family gives me at Christmas. Being into guitars is almost as bad as being a cyclist for attracting shit presents. Last year my christmas present from my mum was a small carved wooden bowl about the size a teacup (no, me neither) and a cheap wallet with colourful electric guitars stitched on it. *despair