That's an acceptable trade-off for me.
You've put unicode into your username, and that's fine. But messages are very aggressively sanitized, the input scrubbed. That's a security thing to deal with some of the OWASP Top 10 security risks. If I disable that piece of scrubbing, even in one small place, it would create a security risk.
I won't do that... so instead, I'll accept that you don't get notifications and someone else does. Oh well.
I've just worked out that I got this completely wrong. What happened was, of course, that I highlighted the text I wanted to quote, and that's when the non-breaking space was removed. D'oh. Is that what you mean by 'scrubbing of messages' or does that use, simply, an operating system function which retrieves highlighted text?
It should be such a vanishingly rare case, anyway, just thought it might affect others who use the nbsp, although I don't know if anyone else does. Arguably, it's not even necessary to be notified of repeated mentions that occur in quotes most of the time.
Needless to say, I don't have the faintest understanding how security risks work, either. :) I'll try to read up on that, as I find it interesting.
Something extremely tiny I've just noticed:
cjr @-ed me and I quoted his text that included my username. In the quote, the non-breaking space that I have in my username was evidently converted into a normal space, resulting in a wrong alert to an inactive account with one post.