If you are drawn down the route of having to write up a full risk assessment, there are a couple of pointers that you should be mindful of.
1) Make sure you use a risk matrix. A lot of H&S assessments get hung up on the consequences of something happening without incorporating the likelihood of it happening. You seem to be on that with asking about statistics. Use the system of before and after matrixs. I.e, risk level before mitigation, risk level after mitigation measures are put in place, such as cycle training.
2) Don't just do a risk assessment based around cycling, do it around all forms of transport. This isn't just about whether you might get hurt while cycling but also about the impact of traffic systems and the consequences of mechanical failure/supplier failure on both you and your company. Use phrases like project stage delay, reputational damage, legislative non-compliance. This is an area where you can generally tend to game things and represent cycling as a favourable mode of transport.
If you are drawn down the route of having to write up a full risk assessment, there are a couple of pointers that you should be mindful of.
1) Make sure you use a risk matrix. A lot of H&S assessments get hung up on the consequences of something happening without incorporating the likelihood of it happening. You seem to be on that with asking about statistics. Use the system of before and after matrixs. I.e, risk level before mitigation, risk level after mitigation measures are put in place, such as cycle training.
2) Don't just do a risk assessment based around cycling, do it around all forms of transport. This isn't just about whether you might get hurt while cycling but also about the impact of traffic systems and the consequences of mechanical failure/supplier failure on both you and your company. Use phrases like project stage delay, reputational damage, legislative non-compliance. This is an area where you can generally tend to game things and represent cycling as a favourable mode of transport.