• #38352
So basically your defence of Clegg is that he let us have a Conservative majority now?
Thanks Nick.
• #38353
[EDIT] In reply to @Oliver Schick
Oh, so you're saying that without the Lib Dems he [Cameron] wouldn't have been elected in 2015, instead he's managed two terms (2010-2020)? I see.
I still think it would have been worse had it been a Tory majority in 2010 and I doubt (no-one can prove/disprove this) that they wouldn't have been re-elected had it been a Tory majority 2010-2015...
• #38354
So basically your defence of Clegg is that he let us have a Conservative majority now?
Sure, it's so Clegg's fault that there's a current Tory majority.
He's an easy patsy, for sure.
• #38355
you're saying
As I said, I don't understand any electoral politics, so it's someone else's argument I'm reporting.
• #38356
clegg will continue to be remembered and rightly vilified for fucking the kids over on tuition fees. the lib dems are finished.
• #38357
Sorry for not being clearer earlier.
• #38358
Memories are short. They'll come back eventually.
• #38359
As I said, I don't understand any electoral politics, so it's someone else's argument I'm reporting.
Fine, understand that, I'm just trying to clarify the point that was being made...
• #38360
sadly is suspect you are right. look at margaret thatcher. who is thankfully still dead.
• #38361
clegg will continue to be remembered and rightly vilified for fucking the kids over on tuition fees. the lib dems are finished.
Politician in u-turn shocker. Film at 11. I disagree with his u-turn on tuition fees, but it made little difference to the situation anyway. I'm more annoyed at him voting for military action in Syria.
I doubt the Lib-Dems are finished, for the exact reason that people are finding many reasons not to support the current set of Tories, the current Labour contingent, and everyone/anyone else.
Trying to pick a party based on a set of principles is tricky if not impossible. There's no single party that I agree with all of their policies, and the recent vote is a good example of the internal conundrums that override simple idealistic political policy views.
There's an awful lot of stuff I disagree with the Tories on, some I disagree with Labour on, some I disagree with the Lib Dems on, some I disagree with the Greens on (education mainly), but no-one has my views 100% nailed on perfectly and nor do I expect that.
There is no party I can support that isn't a compromise at some point. Yet divisions within a party are pounced upon by the media as a fundamental flaw.
• #38362
terrorism works. all the time, every time.
• #38364
who is thankfully still undead.
• #38365
i fucking hate call me dave and cleggy used to sound like him.
both cunts -
• #38366
NYDN basically The Onion at the moment
• #38367
• #38369
RIP Ernie Crouch. He died on the way to see Arsenal play.
• #38371
• #38372
Aggressive mountain bikers are terrorising country park estate
"They came silently whizzing down hill and so fast they nearly hit the horse riders, who they then abused, even saying, 'If you don't get out of the way we'll ram the horses'," said Mrs Laking.
"One of our committee members has been nearly knocked over and there are many other examples.
"I'm sure a lot are nice, but the majority of all complaints Friends of St Ives receives are about cyclists.
"One of the problems is the bikes have no registration numbers, the riders are all just lycra and helmets, so there's no way of identifying them."
And the comments... comedy gold.
• #38373
I have actual video footage of this lovely rural area before those lycra-clad serial killers were allowed to tear it up on their 'bicycles'.
• #38374
conservatives delay the 3rd runway announcenment till the day after* the london mayoral elections
*possibly not the day after but definately after
• #38375
and that terrorist at leytonstone station was actually a person let down by the mental health services and the government cutbacks
Yes, that's what I'm saying.
It would have been a fuck of a lot worse, earlier.
They would have been doing what they're doing now (if not more) back in 2010.