clegg will continue to be remembered and rightly vilified for fucking the kids over on tuition fees. the lib dems are finished.
Politician in u-turn shocker. Film at 11. I disagree with his u-turn on tuition fees, but it made little difference to the situation anyway. I'm more annoyed at him voting for military action in Syria.
I doubt the Lib-Dems are finished, for the exact reason that people are finding many reasons not to support the current set of Tories, the current Labour contingent, and everyone/anyone else.
Trying to pick a party based on a set of principles is tricky if not impossible. There's no single party that I agree with all of their policies, and the recent vote is a good example of the internal conundrums that override simple idealistic political policy views.
There's an awful lot of stuff I disagree with the Tories on, some I disagree with Labour on, some I disagree with the Lib Dems on, some I disagree with the Greens on (education mainly), but no-one has my views 100% nailed on perfectly and nor do I expect that.
There is no party I can support that isn't a compromise at some point. Yet divisions within a party are pounced upon by the media as a fundamental flaw.
clegg will continue to be remembered and rightly vilified for fucking the kids over on tuition fees. the lib dems are finished.