The bigger battery is one of the things I'm really appreciating about this Moto X Play. Fairly often I wouldn't do stuff on my phone because I knew it wouldn't last till I got home, I don't have to think about that now.
External battery packs are good if you have a bag but a bit of an arse otherwise. This is the best portable one I found, enough to give you about 50-70% of battery, pretty portable and has a captive cable The Anker ones are good for bigger sizes.
The bigger battery is one of the things I'm really appreciating about this Moto X Play. Fairly often I wouldn't do stuff on my phone because I knew it wouldn't last till I got home, I don't have to think about that now.
External battery packs are good if you have a bag but a bit of an arse otherwise. This is the best portable one I found, enough to give you about 50-70% of battery, pretty portable and has a captive cable The Anker ones are good for bigger sizes.