The route I've planned is going to be about 30 miles - I've dropped you a pm @ms-chris with the route idea so you can plan it out :) - and I'll be aiming for Bar Italia at the end but that's changeable depending on what people are up for. Apologies for not having a dinner planned out at the end (although that would be great!). Attack the Pack launch party starts at 7 so it would be great if we could head out for 8:30 so by the time we're in Chelsea etc the lights aren't off.
The route I've planned is going to be about 30 miles - I've dropped you a pm @ms-chris with the route idea so you can plan it out :) - and I'll be aiming for Bar Italia at the end but that's changeable depending on what people are up for. Apologies for not having a dinner planned out at the end (although that would be great!). Attack the Pack launch party starts at 7 so it would be great if we could head out for 8:30 so by the time we're in Chelsea etc the lights aren't off.