"All calls get logged in Calendar
All non-Signal SMS gets logged in Calendar"Why? Isn't that what call/text history is for?
"All Tweets go to a different Calendar (via IFTTT)"
Yes, quite mad.
Why? I like my one calendar to contain bare minimum shit of where I need to be and when. I don't need 30 calendars and certainly don't need to log tweets to them.
Are you being audited or something? You under some kind of life governance program?
It's basically anything that has gone on the internet and could be considered to be public, or known somehow (metadata).
I figure, why shouldn't I benefit from such data, why shouldn't it all be in one place where I can search for stuff, and keep track of stuff?
That was the motive. Hence truly private stuff is not in it (Signal, things that happen at home and in private spaces), but anything that could be externally observed I track using lots of Calendars, and actually I've found a hell of a lot of value in doing so.
Oh, and I use IFTTT to change my background daily to whatever is the Nasa photo of the day. Today's looks like Mordor, but most of the time they make great backgrounds.
Full on crazy is how I use Google Calendar nowadays.
I now have about 30 calendars, that nearly completely automatically record the stuff I do. It's not quite fully automated, but it's pretty close. And all of it is searchable, browsable.