Here's a Cherubim vending machine. Same one?
Oh yes, that's the one from the workshop. Obviously and unfortunately Google Street view hasn't enough resolution to display the yellow Cherubim logo, which is the whole/only point of the damn thing. In terms of what it serves, one can ascertain from the machine that it is a Coca-Cola company machine that only serves their stuff, so it looks to be various varieties of Coke, Fanta, the Coca-Cola isotonic drink (Aquarius I think?) and various other liquids. So yeah, that bloody vending machine again eh?
At some time I'll start talking about the actual bike, but there's at least 6 months to kill.
Here's a Cherubim vending machine. Same one?
I've passed through their lovely Aoyama store (pics ) but didn't realise how much larger their other store is. Time to go back :o