The ending is a total cop-out. But yes, has some nice influences and the soundtrack is pretty creepy in a good way:
&v=OoHmeEBfDDAThe actor playing the bad guy is the best thing
He was very good, just found it hard to get into the movie as he's such an asshole and the sorta redeeming thing starts only in the middle.
The mad drugs scene reminded me a bit of this short:
Ethereal Chrysallis- Syl Disjonk also dealing with this whole death/rebirth/transformation thing. Don't do drugs kids... (short is available on this webpage for free)
Beyond the black rainbow...its SLOW. A mix of influences (dharma initiative meets 80s visuals meets sadistic main character) and good low budget cinematography, let's see if it delivers story wise.
Not that I mind a bit of form over function but one can go too far there :)
A mixed bag, interesting moments in the middle with some great visuals, slow start (with asshole lead) and so-so ending. Still worth a watch if you don't mind flawed movies with interesting imagery.