Took the fixed gear for a few laps of Peckham BMX track on the way home from climbing today. The main thing is you have to keep both wheels in contact with the ground. The steep asphalt banking on the corners is great fun. Bit of a pedal strike issue on some of the sharper jumps. I thought the office was empty but on about lap 4 a bloke appeared and, smiling, told me "that's enough". Fun while it lasted.
Took the fixed gear for a few laps of Peckham BMX track on the way home from climbing today. The main thing is you have to keep both wheels in contact with the ground. The steep asphalt banking on the corners is great fun. Bit of a pedal strike issue on some of the sharper jumps. I thought the office was empty but on about lap 4 a bloke appeared and, smiling, told me "that's enough". Fun while it lasted.