lines starting with a 'greater than' denote quoted text
No that's not what I'm suggesting at all. My post was about Labour in its entirety. I made no assertions or suggestions about the Tories.
I think your response is symptomatic of the Left at the moment. If someone has a view that is slightly different to yours, the auto-response is either "you're Tory scum" or "yeah but look at what the Tories are doing". There appears to be a staggering aversion to truthful introspection on the Left.
If the Tories are to be beaten, Labour needs to stop and properly assess why it lost the last election. Screaming bile at anyone who has the audacity to have a slightly different viewpoint isn't constructive in the slightest.
As for Syria, Corbyn is a pacifist. He was never going to be behind military action. So why did he suggest in te Commons that Labour MPs would have a reasoned debate and come to a collective position? He had no such intention. He was always going to demand they vote against military intervention, and now he has got himself into an awful pickle.
These are just my views, I'm no expert - it's just an interesting debate. No need for aggression or shouting people down.
begging the question.
just to be sure: are you suggesting the neo-liberal 'trickle down' psychopathy of the tories (and noted members of the PLP) is working a treat for 'the public'?