Don't you think cycling helps with the stress/frustration bit when you're actually doing it though?
Absolutely. I'm a nightmare to be around if I have more than about two days off the bike. But there's a big difference between riding to release stress/release endorphins and training/hurting your legs.
You just have to listen to your body and know when it can take the stress of training and when it can't.
Don't you think cycling helps with the stress/frustration bit when you're actually doing it though?
I really enjoy being out riding, and that's why it's such a kick in the balls to then feel like I'm overwhelmed the next day... kind of like I've surpassed my mental/physical limits and everything's gone into shock a bit.
But next sunny day (not that this happens very often atm) I feel the obligation and desire to be out pedalling and it feels like a cop-out to say 'naw, going to stay in as I'm too hard up against it to enjoy myself...' Balls. Piss. Shit. Cock. Balls.