Yeah... I guess it makes sense. There's just that perceived 'exercise is good for you and you should enjoy it' which I do when I'm doing it, but it's just the mental effects afterwards-far from feeling that warm-endorphin-fuelled-high the way I would before, the downs are getting quite pronounced and harder to deal with.
So it's that damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don't thing. Maybe I'll try yoga or aikido or something for a while, see if that helps mellow me out a bit whilst staying limber. Getting a decent job and regular income might help too...
Yeah... I guess it makes sense. There's just that perceived 'exercise is good for you and you should enjoy it' which I do when I'm doing it, but it's just the mental effects afterwards-far from feeling that warm-endorphin-fuelled-high the way I would before, the downs are getting quite pronounced and harder to deal with.
So it's that damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don't thing. Maybe I'll try yoga or aikido or something for a while, see if that helps mellow me out a bit whilst staying limber. Getting a decent job and regular income might help too...