This all sounds very familiar. I spend about half of my year working jobs that involve insane hours, much stress, poor diet and not enough sleep. I've learnt (the hard way) that I simply cannot train hard during these periods or I will make myself ill. The most I can do is maintenance, just keeping the legs and cv system ticking over. It's frustrating, but that's life.
When I do hard sessions during these times I need to give myself extra recovery time too.
I've recently found that the day after a hard ride I almost have a 'hangover' of not feeling physically shit, but mentally just really terrible and lethargic.
A bit of google-fu and did some reading on cortisol levels and stress (I've been fucking stressed all year doing a (shite) full-time masters and working (terrible) jobs around it to pay for my (hovel) flat) and as a result I've been consciously a) trying to cut out stress (masters is finished which helps, but now just onto looking for gainful, meaningful employment...) and b) limiting riding a bit to try and let my body recover.
I've done a few turbo sessions over the last week and thought it was going ok, but today I've got the same dread feeling that I would normally get the day after long ride.
Anyone had similar and is there any way to keep riding/manage/offset the cortisol produced by exercise? I thought it was supposed to be good for stress ffs!