I've got an old Dropout ride from a while back, the first part is A Very Corporate xmas that heads East but I could style it out to turn it West and turn it into a Posh Fuckos xmas...lemme see if I can make the 5th work and if so I'll try and post something up if none else does...
No I'm talking about real Posh Fuckos 0- the kind of people who live on The Boltons and around Sloane Square. So posh they absolutely don't care what anyone thinks of them. This definitely cannot be said of those in Hackney and Shoreditch.
I've got an old Dropout ride from a while back, the first part is A Very Corporate xmas that heads East but I could style it out to turn it West and turn it into a Posh Fuckos xmas...lemme see if I can make the 5th work and if so I'll try and post something up if none else does...