Some more in-progress shots. First couple are details of the tacks, used to hold everything together while you braze the frame. The material is incorporated into the pool of molten brazing alloy as you work around the joint.
I always tack down the centreline of the frame, but I've also added a couple of extras on the side to help make things a bit more stable.
And then here are couple of the fillets post-brazing. The red marks are where I've decided to do a bit more tidying up. You can get a fillet that looks finished to the eye, but when you run your fingers over it you can feel small bumps and inconsistencies.
A relatively short head tube on this frame meant I had to integrate the top and down tube brazes, but I'm pretty pleased with the way they came out.
Some more in-progress shots. First couple are details of the tacks, used to hold everything together while you braze the frame. The material is incorporated into the pool of molten brazing alloy as you work around the joint.
I always tack down the centreline of the frame, but I've also added a couple of extras on the side to help make things a bit more stable.
And then here are couple of the fillets post-brazing. The red marks are where I've decided to do a bit more tidying up. You can get a fillet that looks finished to the eye, but when you run your fingers over it you can feel small bumps and inconsistencies.
A relatively short head tube on this frame meant I had to integrate the top and down tube brazes, but I'm pretty pleased with the way they came out.