• #4727
My cat is now officially a dick. Her one and only dead or alive mice drop of point is at the deepest corner under my bed. I have learnt to accept over the last couple of years that presents is a part of having a cat that 'loves' you, but what I cannot accept is that she automatically brings her hunts into the bedroom then under my bed.
She never used to do this, any suggestion to train her to move to a slight more human friendly drop off point?
• #4728
Keeping them in at dawn, dusk and night reduces the dead things to deal with to near zero.
• #4729
She is already on curfew. The one she brought in last night was after dinner...
• #4730
Tether a dog under the bed.
• #4731
Cayenne pepper/mace powder.
• #4732
Domestic cats don't hunt because of hunger.
Lock the bugger in. -
• #4733
Gomez 'helping'
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• #4734
Oh I know, she has unlimited supplies of dry and wet food. She clearly keeps the little mice as pets.
• #4735
You want a cat that brings back rabbits, chickens (both from a hutch and the warm crown for a sunday lunch, all manner of things like slow worms, frogs, mice, big rats pigeons crows etc. That git was supposed to be a house cat. Been in a house the first six years of his life. He survived another five and we stopped putting food out for him, as he would never eat it. He would eat from the bowl tho not the floor.
EDIT Writing that has made me a little tearful, I miss that git. Wonderful fun when awake. Not to be awoken as he would attack, having to move him with a broom off the bed so you could get under the blankets.
• #4736
• #4737
Could I fit in too??
• #4738
Gomez, a big fan of our wood burner.
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• #4739
Woke up about 5 with our two monkeys actually in our pit between me and the wife, all cuddle up together.
• #4740
My colleague's boyfriend was tasked with looking after their cat this weekend. All he had to do was put some food down and empty the litter tray. He came home drunk and forgot to do both. He woke up to what I have heard referred to as a Cleveland steamer...
• #4741
I know you cook it to kill bacteria. I just really think it's a bad idea if I prepare any kind of meat for anything or anyone. I haven't done that once in the 30 years I'm on this planet. And I doubt I could actually stick a knife in it without throwing up...
• #4742
I'm severely allergic. If I touch it I get a bleeding rash all over me. Not a great idea.
• #4743
After this weekend's scare where I thought I was going to lose Catface I'm happy to say he is very slowly on the mend. We have discovered that he has diabetes. Both of our lives will revolve around giving him his insulin every 12 hours, but for now the battle is getting him to eat something as he is looking rather skeletal. Fortunately I work in an amazing place where I can bring him in to keep an eye on him.
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• #4745
My devil cat Gabba has ramped up her field mouse mission. Last night she came in with a live mouse,tried in vain to get it off her after 20 minutes I gave up. Only for her to then proudly sit in front of TV and eat the bloody thing.
That's 12 mice since the end of October.
• #4746
I have found trapping the mouse with a takeaway box really effective. Like put a box on top upside down, then slide a piece of thin card in to trap it, then slowly put the lid back on under the piece of card, finally remove the card and close the lid... if it makes any sense? It has cut down my mice catching mission from a very long time to 10 mins top. Just did it last night in fact...
• #4747
The problem is she hides under the kitchen cupboard or the dinning room table.
• #4748
What I really like about the winter / windy weather - the princess comes home really early and stays beside me!!! I love you Patch!!
• #4749
Patch does the same sometimes, except it's usually under my bed, I think you need to arm yourself with a metal rod or something similar, I have a meter long one (used it for when I played polo) and it's great with fishing out dead bodies in the most annoying places in the flat. Not a great thing to do, but needs must.
• #4750
Higgs is very fat, she is now on a more closely monitored diet. She also pongs - I am unsure whether she is able to cope with own long-hairedness.
To rectify the pong issue I'd like to get her groomed+washed, the Pets at Home which is local to me has a Groom Room - has anyone used said service?
Also just found one from Majorca, these were two from a crew of 8 cats, super lazy, only thig that got them moving was rattling of the food canister : ]