I had a tin of that Sika brand stuff before I got the Lecol stuff, it was sound but opening the tin was a bit hard and the seal around the lid was never the same again so ended up wasting a bit through it drying up down the sides and the last inch or so in the bottom of the tin, that's the only reason I didn't buy it again when I ran out half way through the job. That Lecol stuff has a nice band around the top of the tin with a clasp which you can reuse to seal the tin up nice and tight between sessions, even the stuff on the side of the tin seems to run down into the remainder so no waste.
(I found I could only lay a number of blocks at a time before it was too stressful trying to keep gaps from opening up)+1 for the ikea bags!
If you look carefully on the left there you can see how twisted the edge of the sika adhesive got from my opening.
1 Attachment
One of the upstairs neighbours was getting rid of her sitting room floor- which is the same as mine, a hardwood (oak?) parquet, so I offered to take it off her hands.
I've had her entire floor sat in Ikea bags in my spare bedroom for ages, so laid a couple of the bags out today to see how much I had - more than I thought, it would appear.
I need to take out one of the sections of screed to level things off, then put these down, then sand the whole floor and stain it so that it's one colour throughout.
I'm kind of hoping that sanding the whole floor will level off any slightly proud blocks if there are any, and any that are a bit low I was just going to build up with a little additional adhesive.
A friend of mine just recommended this:
Which apparently means that you can simply stick the blocks down with the bitumen still on them.