I read on the Internet that with that Lecol 5500 glue it will work without any removal of the bitumen. I'd already started getting my blocks as clean as possible anyway so it would've messed with the thickness of the flooring I'd already cleaned and stuck down (with a different brand glue) if i did it differently.
For scraping them I swapped between a scraper kinda tool and a 2" chisel. White spirit on a rag will help to wipe off the gooey shit when your tool gets clogged.
Leave the blocks out side or somewhere cool before scraping as it comes off a lot better when it's cold.
Got the glue from http://www.builderdepot.co.uk/ just about got it in an ortlieb pannier but it felt ready to split at the seams.
Similar to the request of Mishk, I have a load of salvaged parquet which has bitumen on the underside - has anyone used an adhesive that will bond this to the concrete under-floor?
Also hints and tips gladly accepted.