• Any real racer knows it's the guy who won. Not the guy who got awarded it after some fuck up.

    Bideau is king. Long live the real king.

  • In fairness if the route was the full distance then tops would have won...

    Anyway have clearly moved on quite a lot from my last cp20 tests as I'm hitting the same numbers in training as I was just before my biggest peak last season, going to retest next week but it got me thinking about training to aspirational numbers instead of real numbers (I.e. Intervals at 120% of what I'd like my FTP to be) - what's the thinking on this as I'd like my FTP to be about 25 watts higher...

  • TR has a session that goes something like this,
    Warm up
    3 mins at 110%
    3 mins recovery
    3 mins at 120%
    3 mins recovery
    3 mins at 130%
    8 mins recovery
    3 mins at 130%
    3 mins recovery
    3 mins at 120%
    3 mins recovery
    3 mins at 110%

    I find it utterly brutal. If my FTP is accurate and I'm feeling good I can just about handle it. The 2nd 120% is the killer as I'm usually spent after the 2nd 130.

    I don't try it too often ;-)
