You can help if you like, the code you want will be in https://github.com/microcosm-cc/microcosm/blob/master/models/comments.go , https://github.com/microcosm-cc/microcosm/blob/master/models/items.go , https://github.com/microcosm-cc/microcosm/blob/master/models/updates.go , https://github.com/microcosm-cc/microcosm/blob/master/models/updates_dispatcher.go
Comments will need to be able to have multiple in_reply_to (perhaps change it to an array in the database?).
Items will need to be able to show those.
Updates should deal with not showing duplicates even though they are of different types.
Updates dispatcher should notify the right people that they have been quote.
If you are automatically subscribed to a thread when you post, does it matter? At the moment I get a double listing in my following list. Anyway, I'm sure it's not beyond you to make it work, given the rest of this!