Disclaimer: I work for a firm pretty close to the subject matter for this.
That book spoilt Michael Lewis for me. I have always enjoyed his books bit this one contained such inaccuracies that I now take the others with a bit of a pinch of salt.
One of the areas that he is definitely accurate though is the degree of secrecy that surrounds the industry, which makes it very difficult for people involved to talk about it. It is a very competitively sensitive environment.
I would very much recommend http://www.amazon.co.uk/Flash-Boys-Insiders-Perspective-High-Frequency-ebook/dp/B00P0QI2M2 as a bit of a view of the other side. I can probably lend you a copy if you would like.
I would very much recommend amazon.co.uk/Flash-Boys-Insiders-Perspective-High-Frequency-ebook/dp/B00P0QI2M2 as a bit of a view of the other side. I can probably lend you a copy if you would like.
Will definitely give it a read, I'm not London based but thanks for the offer, just picked a copy up off the net.
Started reading Flash Boys by Michael Lewis on Friday, finished it this morning.
+1 from me.