The arse pinching is really bad, obviously, but you've got to understand that he was very young at the time and having accolades and plaudits hurled at him from every direction. At his age back then, I was doing all sorts of dumb things - ok so I wasn't ever groping unsuspecting women, but there we go. I think he's probably learned a lot from his stupidity.
Well, he was 23, and he's now 25. That's plenty old enough to be held responsible anyway you look at it. I would really hesitate to make any excuses for that shit, and fame is a particularly bad excuse.
I am not saying he should be forever known as Sagan the Sexual Assaulter - this isn't Reddit after all - as people can do wrong, learn and then not ever replicate that behaviour (and they can also apologise and mean it - see @peter_v post above). But here we some Internet to talk about Peter Sagan and I thought it was worth mentioning.
A great joker and exciting to watch (providing the best LOL of last year's TdF):
But in the past has not been above groping women on the podium which let's face it is pretty shitty: