I've had this a few years, used to be my daily run around, then it sat for a while doing nothing. Bought originally from a guy in Holland, on here. Not too sure on the origins of Romany bikes, but it served me well and was a good solid ride.
I sprayed it matt black a while back with the intention of building back up as a pub cruiser. But that never happened, it's just gathered dust in my garage. So it's up for sale.
Good solid frame, mudguard mounts, 700c, front and rear drilled. Good for a pub/beater/winter commuter.
59.5cm seat tube CTC
57cm top tube CTC
1" headset
English threaded
Shimano dropouts
Mudguard mounts front and rear
Includes 1" headset and 26.4 Kalloy seat post
Collection from Victoria Park - E9 (evenings/weekends)
No postage
Dibs are all well and good, but PM's win.
How I had it built up some time ago, before respraying, to give an idea of geo/clearances etc
I've had this a few years, used to be my daily run around, then it sat for a while doing nothing. Bought originally from a guy in Holland, on here. Not too sure on the origins of Romany bikes, but it served me well and was a good solid ride.
I sprayed it matt black a while back with the intention of building back up as a pub cruiser. But that never happened, it's just gathered dust in my garage. So it's up for sale.
Good solid frame, mudguard mounts, 700c, front and rear drilled. Good for a pub/beater/winter commuter.
59.5cm seat tube CTC
57cm top tube CTC
1" headset
English threaded
Shimano dropouts
Mudguard mounts front and rear
Includes 1" headset and 26.4 Kalloy seat post
Collection from Victoria Park - E9 (evenings/weekends)
No postage
Dibs are all well and good, but PM's win.
How I had it built up some time ago, before respraying, to give an idea of geo/clearances etc