• Built up fixed commuter for the first time since summer, chain was a bit slack, but not so slack as to cause worry. Gear felt a bit big into the headwind as I rolled away from home, but it was probably me just getting used to riding fixed again.
    First big downhill, chain jumps off cog, too much track slack! Backwheel locks and I skid to a halt, without hitting the deck.
    Check wheel and chain and try to get it back onto the cog, but it's locked solid in there. Couple of spokes sheared off. Walk to Evans, looking for a lock ring tool and a chain whip, no mechanics in till eleven, walk round the corner to Cycle Surgery, not open for another hour.
    Walk to nearest train station, get train back to close to my house, carry bike home, jump onto summer road bike and ride into work, only two and a half hours late.

    wouldn't do again..
