• You haven't come up with a single piece of evidence to suggest your frame is anything other than I've described. Them's the facts. Not one. You're clearly a novice in vintage bicycle. Fair play, but most people are glad to be pointed in the right direction. I suggest you pay the cash, join the Bianchi registry and then come back here in a month with your head held low.

    Low end Bianchi's were also manufactured in Japan in the early 1980's and then re-imported into Italy, with apparently cheap Ishiwata tubing.

    'We've seen cases of dozens of models being being offloaded to Japan for a couple of years, then being brought back to Italy. It's all comes down to economics and the relative value of the yen to the lira. Most of Bianchi's entry and mid range models were being manufactured in Japan in the early 1980s.'

    I do appreciate your churlish, devil may care attitude. If you have a trawl through my previous correct IDs (about 50 of them) you'll appreciate why you're on your own from here on in.

    'You just ignore everything you don't like'.. They should nail that on your headstone. You have a somewhat magical sense of irony.

    A little bit of gratitude goes a long fucking way. Enjoy your ice cream.
