• I had the pleasure of sharing the road with ~50 horses of the household cavalry this morning. Made a nice change from the usual motorised twats.

  • I had the pleasure of sharing the road with ~50 horses of the household cavalry this morning. Made a nice change from the usual motorised twats.

    Where were you? I was (thankfully) briefly within smelling distance of them by Buck house as they turned off Birdcage Walk into Buckingham Gate. Seemed like they were shifting the whole stable as most of them were being ghost ridden (or whatever horsey types call that).

  • Heading West on Chelsea Embankment.

    I reckon there were no more than 15 riders ghosting ~50 horses. The bloke at the front with the bugle looked rad too.

    I was indeed dodging turds until I had a chance to overtake them with enough space.

  • Indian PM is in town... Maybe they were showing him our finest silverware.
