I've also read P2M's have a tendency to under-read? But I guess I'll be using it as a training tool so as long as there's no drift I don't mind, I don't need to willy wave power spikes.
I can't find the Hunter article @danstuff ...will probably settle for a P2M for now, use it to the fullest and then when new analysis methods come out for L/R and crank position I'll make another jump. I too can't see how L/R will truly help you, with exception for when you injure one of your legs.
I've also read P2M's have a tendency to under-read? But I guess I'll be using it as a training tool so as long as there's no drift I don't mind, I don't need to willy wave power spikes.
I can't find the Hunter article @danstuff ...will probably settle for a P2M for now, use it to the fullest and then when new analysis methods come out for L/R and crank position I'll make another jump. I too can't see how L/R will truly help you, with exception for when you injure one of your legs.