Today, we glorify the one that ran in 10.1 seconds, and say the one that ran 10.2 seconds. But both of them are very fast. That’s dangerous for sports. We have reached an era in which we glorify the winner, without looking at the means or the method. And ten years later we realise the guy was a cheat. And during that time, the one that came second suffered. He didn’t get recognition. And with all that’s been said about them…they can be very unhappy.
Je ne nie pas être avant tout un éducateur. En revanche, je ne me sens pas du tout aristocrate. Si vous aviez vécu avec moi à charger du fumier sur les charrettes, vous auriez compris. J’essaie d’être fidèle aux valeurs que je trouve importantes dans la vie et de les transmettre aux autres. En trente ans de carrière de coach, je n’ai jamais fait piquer un de mes joueurs pour qu’il soit plus performant. Je ne lui ai jamais donné un produit qui puisse améliorer sa performance. C’est une fierté. J’ai joué contre beaucoup d’équipes qui n’étaient pas dans cet état d’esprit.
I don’t deny that I’m first and foremost an educator. However, I don’t feel like an aristocrat at all. If you had lived with me, loading manure on carts, you would have understood. I try to be faithful to the values that I believe to be important in life and to pass them on to others. In thirty years as a manager, I’ve never had my players injected to make them better. I never gave them any product that would help enhance their performance. I’m proud of that. I’ve played against many teams that weren’t in that frame of mind.
Have a read of Arsene Wenger's interview in L'Equipe this weekend just gone, he kind of hinted at this very same thing