• #2202
Also, whilst I'm in here, can any reccomend places to eat in Munich? The cheaper the better!
• #2203
This was my favourite place in Munich http://www.max-pett.de/blog/
Also definitely check out the Veganz supermarket https://veganz.de/en/maerkte/veganz-munich/
• #2204
Eggs and milk?
• #2205
Normal Quorn has eggs and milk, the new range apparently doesn't and is clearly labelled as vegan. There seems to be a controversy somewhere, which I couldn't be bothered googling.
• #2206
As far as I am concerned theres no controversy. If there is - I have been living under a rock, obviously. Its just I try and eat only whole foods and stay away from processed anything day to day. Occasionally of course ill have a burger, ice cream and oreo's..
Maybe its the wheat? I know a few vegans that dont eat it..
• #2207
Thanks for the reccommendation (and @thrasher and @Oliver Schick too)
Went to Champs a couple of times - excellent
Vinnies - ok, didn't live up to the hype, Maguires in Liverpool is way better!
Tried to find Cinnamon Snail but failed, apparently they hadn't been around for a few days
Cakes from Blossom (or one of their variations) were pretty good
Beyond Sushi - AMAZING!
Jungle Cafe - good salad/burrito/rubens
Tried one vegan Chinese place off 5th Ave, nothing special
Bunna Cafe - Ethiopian food, sharing platter thing was good but their vegan white russian was the real highlight!Ran out of time to go anywhere else :(
For anyone travelling to Fest...
The raw cafe at St Pete Beach, FL - really good, can't remember the name. The other veg-friendly place was mediocore
Stone Soup Company in Ybor was pretty good
Taco Bus is amazing!
Boca Fiesta and the Civic Media Centre in Gainesville had good options and a good vibe tooBought a vegan sandwich at Newark Intl., cost $12, was gross.
• #2208
Not much time for anything else part from eating then ;) Sounds like a good old time. I will be back. Would like to take the bike next time.
Cookies and scream (Camden) at the weekend.. Lots of amazing cake / ice cream - angry girls behind the bar.
• #2209
A small victory, with legislation being mulled over to derail SeaWorld's plan to continue imprisoning orcas.
• #2210
Dark Arts coffee in Homerton are having a vegan junk food night on the 28th November:
• #2211
Reasonably sure it was you who had mentioned Stokey Bears to me quite a while ago, so I thought I give them a deliveroo try. Such junk yesterday evening!
• #2212
A bit of junk food every now and again is alright in my book, Stokie Bears do epic onion rings.
• #2213
Did you try Reggae Shack?
• #2214
Sadly not! Walked past it 3-4 times but it was always packed. The cafe further up the road was really good though, decent sandwiches and a whole bunch of icecream/cookies. Can't remember the name of it...
• #2215
While I'm here... has anyone got a copy of Brendan Braizer's Thrive books, the recipe ones in particular? I read one of the original ones, focused on plant-based strength but lent it out and haven't had it back :(
Wondering if they're any good or if it ends up being a collection of smoothies and ways to eat raw collard greens or other ingredients you can't easily find over here...
• #2216
Has the forum ever had a vegan meet up/ride?
• #2217
No but I have Scott Jurks and it's bloody boring. But good recipes. Welcome to that.
• #2218
Has the forum ever had a vegan meet up/ride?
Yes, rarely, though. They get plotted more often than actually organised. I haven't managed to organise one myself yet, either.
• #2219
I read that on the plane :)
I agree it was a bit repetitive but the food has been pretty good so far...!
• #2220
Vegan Joseph rides from london to Newcastle in under 24 hours.
Here it is.
• #2221
Sounds like you had a good mix.
I want to book long weekndto New York just to eat at Champs and Beyond Sushi.
• #2222
• #2223
Elephantastic Pizza in the temporary shipping container shops at the southern end of E+C / Walworth Road do vegan cheese on their delicious pizzas.
• #2224
You make the cake.
Zutaten für ca. 12 Portionen:
400 g Mandeln
4 EL Honig oder Agavendicksaft
600 g Cashewkerne
10 Datteln, entsteint
8 EL frisch gepresster Zitronensaft
2 EL Honig
3 TL gemahlene Vanille
1 Prise Salz
1 Prise Zimt
10 EL Kokosöl, kaltgepresst
3 gute Handvoll Blaubeeren/Beerenmischung (je nach Jahreszeit selbstgepflückt oder tiefgekühlt)
Zubereitung:Die Mandeln im Mixer zu Mehl mahlen, dann den Honig dazugeben und den Mixer so lange laufen lassen, bis sich eine homogene Masse formt. Alternativ (und mit mehr Gefühl und Spaß verbunden), können Sie alles mit den Händen vermengen. Eine Springform (ca. 24 cm Durchmesser) mit Backpapier auskleiden, den Teig auf dem Boden verteilen und mit Liebe andrücken.
Die Cashewkerne im Mixer ebenso fein mahlen wie die Mandeln. Datteln, Zitronensaft, Honig, Vanille, Zimt, Salz und Kokosöl unterrühren und alles sehr gründlich miteinander vermischen. Die tiefgekühlten Blaubeeren dazugeben und den Mixer noch 2 Sekunden laufen lassen. Abschmecken und lächeln.
Die Mischung auf dem Boden verteilen und die Form für ca. zwei Stunden ins Gefrierfach stellen. Die zwölf besten Freunde anrufen, den Kuchen anrichten und dankbar servieren.
• #2225
I make the spoke cards.
1 Attachment
Without wanting to kick up a shit storm, what's the issue with quorn's vegan range not being vegan?