Got my Extra the other night, fitted at work today.
Don't think it's too ugly, being used the edge has been taken off the graphics etc.
First impression (sitting on it in workshop and pedalling a few circles in the infield) was a bit disappointing. Didn't feel nearly as comfy as the fake carbon.
Was really feeling the nose 'bump' so flattened it out a bit and felt better. Flattened even more and dropped the post about 5mm on the ride home and think I've got the sweet spot.
Got my Extra the other night, fitted at work today.
Don't think it's too ugly, being used the edge has been taken off the graphics etc.
First impression (sitting on it in workshop and pedalling a few circles in the infield) was a bit disappointing. Didn't feel nearly as comfy as the fake carbon.
Was really feeling the nose 'bump' so flattened it out a bit and felt better. Flattened even more and dropped the post about 5mm on the ride home and think I've got the sweet spot.
Really should read that fitting article...