A bit behind the times but just started on Bioshock Infinite, it's looking good so far.
Started on Resident Evil 4 but the control system using a joypad is shocking. Still yet to work out a decent alternative to mouse/keyboard when I'm playing on a big tv in the living room.
I bought this a while back along with the second one on steam sale, been meaning to give it a bash but after a life in DayZ all other games look too cartoony but I trust your opinion so might give it a bash! I don't need to have played 2 do I?
A bit behind the times but just started on Bioshock Infinite, it's looking good so far.
Started on Resident Evil 4 but the control system using a joypad is shocking. Still yet to work out a decent alternative to mouse/keyboard when I'm playing on a big tv in the living room.