I'm sometimes zealous (and jealous) when I see a proper drum scan, and compare that to what I can do with my desktop scanner.
I would not say that everything apart from Hasselblad / drum scanners is shit though.
Surely the very cheap scanners are not worth it, but for around £500 you get a proper one including SilverFast that does give you really good files*
*35mm only though - if I did medium format I guess I would rent / pay for proper scans..
I am thinking about making a negative scanner in order to skim through my shots on the laptop, work a bit on them in Photoshop and share online (tumblr etc). But if I get a shot worth scanning and printing in a larger format then I can pay for a proper scan.
Flatbed scanners are quite slow... so I hope that making a dslr scanner will mean less computer time. But I am also hoping to win a flatbed scanner on eBay cheap so I can compare scanning results.
thanks for feedback on scanning/scanners