ahha, apologies @Brun, i'd equated Stop Signs with Red Lights (!) - legal obstructions to free-movement!!!
(which can be safe free-movement as long as we move freely slowly, so as to avoid harming fellow citizens, be they walking, skating, riding, ..)
kinda would like the same for Red Lights in Blighty,
would like the legal ability to treat red lights (on minor roads) as "yield signs" (give-way signs) — being able to legally roll-on past red-lights, slowly; stopping only if there is traffic in the way of a clear route though
(an exception being major junctions across major roads, e.g. Euston Road - where waiting for that Green Light is likely a life-saver! unless somebody has Matrix-like or Lucas-Brunelle-like capabilities )
this is what we need,
San Francisco May Let Bicyclists Yield at Stop Signs