I want to just write by hand writing. It's easier when making notes of mechanics and other maths stuff. To just scribble the equations.
On my old ipad I had evernote and notesplues, which I could use to write on the screen. I wanted to use the trackpad like the screen to write notes using a stylus.
Yeah I figured...was just playing with the keyboard comment. I've been thinking about getting the autograph app for a while, and I think it will do what you want but haven't got around to trying it yet so can't be sure. The same devs produce an app called 'inklet' too, have a look at their site, something might suit you.
Use the trackpad to position the cursor where you would like to begin writing a note, and then use a keyboard to type the words you want to include in your note.
Or maybe an app like this https://tenonedesign.com/autograph.php
I haven't tried the app, but the top method works well ;)