sure I can do the same with my PS4... but you don't get anywhere near the graphics levels that my PC does (or even my PS4 for that matter).
I've played Witcher 3 on PS4 and PC. PC shits all over PS4/Xbone. It just looks so much better, and full 1080p 60fps with hairworks etc...
Oh and I paid ~19 quid for it, not 59. I did the math, and yes PC is more expensive, but at the end of the year if I'd bought the games for console it would have cost me more than PC+games.
Ok finally got a sort of working script for using PC easily with tv.
Using DS4 (PS4 controller) with ScpToolkit ( https://github.com/nefarius/ScpServer ) to get native exclusive mode on PC.
When Steam big picture exits
Minor problem is, if it auto-launch steam as desktop after switching back for some reason I cannot re-enable big picture (without killing Steam). So still working on that