That glass probably didn't stay balanced on the edge like that from when it was smashed in, that's probably just how it all ended up when they did finally stop. That particular bit probably just fell off as the car came to a final stop. Likewise it looks like they went round the edges but that was probably just the remaining glass falling out as the car drove on for a bit.
Anyway, my point is that you can't read anything into the state of the glass in the photo. It could easily have ended up like that given the way they described things in the article.
I don't mind a bit of theatrical car slapping if someone does something particularly stupid and dangerous but smashing a window in with a lock, baby or not, is stupid escalation. Two wrongs don't make a right and all that.
I was thinking how did he manage to not only smash the window but then go around the edges to make such a good job of it... Then having "continued driving" how did the glass stay balanced on the edge of the door like that and not blow in/out... But yeah sure he did that with 1 swing...