• #13702
Now that I have my PS4 controller working wireless with PC, I'm back on PC gaming.
Witcher 3 looks stunning with everything slammed to max.
Looking forward to Fallout 4 on PC too -
• #13703
This very much.
Fallout 3/NV look awesome on PC and easily not only max the setting but modded that put a lots more details in landscape/character/weapon etc.
I can't fucking wait, my system just about meet it (GeForce GTX 980 4GB).
• #13704
980! Nice... I've only got a 970.. think it might be a little before the gfx mods are out for Fallout 4. Still, it's gonna be good.
• #13705
Whoop I mean 970, not 980, can't afford the latter yet, maybe next year.
You best have already updated the drivers, that made all the games run amazingly well.
GTAV was really crap with missing sky and choppy framerate previously which made me almost regret my choice of set up, until I updated the drivers.
• #13706
Is that the eGPU set up you've got going on?
• #13707
Yup, but resolved and work perfectly, just the drivers need updating.
Have to says while the system may not be as powerful as a desktop, it work brilliantly for such a compact laptop body.
• #13708
Yeah, but I bet it's a lot easier to take places than a desktop! Good to hear, sounds like a decent set up. Has me thinking about egpus again...
• #13709
The biggest contributing factor I think is the SSD, as I think it actually improved gaming performance after swapping the hard drive for a 512GB SSD.
• #13710
50% MGS 5. Goddam it's long.
• #13711
Far Cry 1 and 2 is very cheap on Steam at the moment.
• #13712
where are best deals to be had on xbones? need to play Halo 5 next week!!
• #13713
This one is £240 but you need to buy Halo: http://www.hotukdeals.com/deals/xbox-one-239-99-delivered-simply-games-2302845
This one is £299 but includes Fifa 16 & one other game (which can be Halo 5): http://www.hotukdeals.com/deals/xbox-one-500gb-fifa-16-bundle-console-one-new-preorder-title-incl-halo-5-black-ops-2300413
• #13714
Anyone play GTA Online on PS4? It's got a whole lot more fun now they've put the new freemode events in. All the rage and chaos and carnage at last has purpose.
• #13715
^^ cheers!
• #13716
Once I figured out what was going on in chapter two I came to the conclusion it was taking the piss and haven't bothered with it since.
• #13717
Probably for the best.
• #13718
Any recommendations for "dark" fps style games? Dead island is a bit crap. L4d2 a bit too cartoony. Ideally OS X but maybe Windows. I quite liked State of Decay.
• #13719
Wolfenstein: The New Order? not exactly undead, but quite dark (Nazi won the war using stolen technology).
• #13720
Thought W:NO was great. No pissing about with any online nonsense, just a good fun romp. Played through twice for all the goodies. Found the old guard whatever the extra episodes were called a little underwhelming though.
• #13721
Haven't played that yet as I removed a fair numbers of games on my computer to make way for Fallout 4.
Last FPS I played was Metro: Last Light Redux which is surprisingly fun compared to 2033.
Actually @chrisbmx116 Metro 2033 Redux is worth playing if you want a proper story behind it.
• #13722
Oh yeah, Resident Evil have been completely remastered, it look pretty fucking awesome;
Not sure why they made Jill's breast bounce as if she's not wearing a bra.
• #13723
Spent all weekend playing Diablo 3 on the xbox one. Ive had it for ages but just never got into it. I was so wrong, its soaked up my whole weekend and im just starting reaper of souls tonight. Picked up elder scrolls online too as its 28 quid at Tesco. Heres hoping its decent.
• #13724
what did you roll?
• #13725
Any recommendations for "dark" fps style games?
You really want to try Day Z sometime, that's pretty dark. :)
Going over to PS4 simply because all my online mates have (bonus: it's a better looking machine IMO)