just did this at work, £9.99 for the full office suite, but had to upgrade to El Capitan to get it to work, whilst I was more than happy with Mavericks. Bit of a ball ache, but everything's still working so I can't complain.
The only thing was if I'd downloaded it the fay before I would have had the version which was compatible with Mavericks and I wouldn't have had to upgrade anything..
Word is great if you work in an office. I've got a legit copy of Mac Office 2011 I bought through a 'cheap Office licences for employees' programme at work for £8.99, but that programme no longer exists, so if it doesn't work on El Capitan as @bitterbuffalo suggests I'll be sticking with Yosemite for the moment as I work from home on my Mac quite a bit.