Do you mean quince/membrillo jelly? If the pectins already in there, you may be doomed.
Two possibles- if you're not a vege, add gelatine. It's a cheat, but it'll set and the texture will be fine. I'm guessing the mix is pretty thick already, so start with 1/3rd of what you'd use for water. Soak gelatine- warm jelly to 50 ish degrees- add leaves. Stir and keep stirring periodically until cook.
Option B- put it back on the hob, add a shit load of sugar, and reduce it until it bloody well does as you want and sets. If the mix is already pretty sweet use glucose- won't affect the flavour so much. Though I'm not sure how this will play with the pectin- did you boil it/keep boiling it when adding the pectin?
Jam-o-philes, need some help. I got me a big batch of quice and it's in the format of a dark red thick paste.
It won't set. I've even resorted to adding 1 packet of pectin.
I've also low-baked it for about 5-6 hrs yesterday.