perhaps people sat at desks in densely-populated 'open-plan' office-spaces, with very visible screens, so potentially in close proximity to a colleague who might find sight of forum content (or the visible browsing/interaction with such content) offensive, might appreciate a 'covert' / 'incognito' mode/method for daytime lfgss office- browsing/interacting, perhaps via a button, or better still, a separate front-page (e.g.!) / skin / CSS?!
re. this question, as both answer-suggestions (Adblock and Minimalist) require the ability to add add-ins to Chrome, which some of us might be unable to do,
perhaps people sat at desks in densely-populated 'open-plan' office-spaces, with very visible screens, so potentially in close proximity to a colleague who might find sight of forum content (or the visible browsing/interaction with such content) offensive, might appreciate a 'covert' / 'incognito' mode/method for daytime lfgss office- browsing/interacting, perhaps via a button, or better still, a separate front-page (e.g.!) / skin / CSS?!
.. or is there no other way than via the generic main page entry?!
.. hence we simply browse with forum-pride, as we're required to do when browsing The Guardian's website for example - with the current site design having a permanent logo-header!!
(guess there's a difference between a newspaper website and a community website though?)
.. could discuss perhaps tonight;