I found physios kinda helpful but ultimately your body will tell you which exercises suit you... I reckon it took about 12-18 months of trial and error for me, I was seeing physios during that whole time but had to drop certain exercises they recommended as they were making the pain worse...
Never had an MRI, prolly gonna have one soon here in Oz as they're free and you can just walk in... Amaze...
Doing quite a bit of strenuous stuff in my new job but my back's been holding up really well... Upped my daily exercise regime, more plank and added 60 secs of Superman... All good so far...
I found physios kinda helpful but ultimately your body will tell you which exercises suit you... I reckon it took about 12-18 months of trial and error for me, I was seeing physios during that whole time but had to drop certain exercises they recommended as they were making the pain worse...
Never had an MRI, prolly gonna have one soon here in Oz as they're free and you can just walk in... Amaze...
Doing quite a bit of strenuous stuff in my new job but my back's been holding up really well... Upped my daily exercise regime, more plank and added 60 secs of Superman... All good so far...